the well know fashion star Victor Nweke AKA korea has just released is his latest fashion outlet in Nigeria.......... his giving out free 1 year contract singing to the best 10 models that applied for the job...follow up on instagram @ korea_fashio6 to get latest update on this...
The recent Paris attack incited a broad rise in Islamophobia in the UK. Muslims from all across the country are being targeted on the street, on public transport, at work, and at educational institutes. Tell-MAMA – a national body to monitor anti-Muslim hate crime reported a 300% rise in Islamophobic incidents since the horrific attacks in Paris on November 14, 2015. The reported anti-Muslim hate attacks range from general abuse and threats to extreme violence with victims having age range from 3 year old child to over 60. Majority of the perpetrators are middle aged white males. The anger and hate against the Muslims seem to be increasing every passing day. The most worrying element is that the prime victims of these attacks are Muslim women who are visible because of their veil and modest Islamic clothing which make them visible at the street-level. A vast majority of the cases against Muslim women are taking place on public transport, where either fellow passengers...
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